Mood Raya

Assalamualaikum for olls my readers yg sudi membace
n to the very special one ofcozla to olls my family members.
Taking this opportunity to wish my olls muslim
"Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Dan Batin Ya"
Maybe it's too early for wish this but I think I'll be so bz after this. Faham2 la nak kemas umah sikit2, kemas bag n a bit more preparation for this raya.
Today my siblings n azam's brother sista around here will breakfasting together gether kat uma I. Then this Sunday berkampung di Sementa, Klang.

Drive carefully ye.
Bace doa sblm memandu, atleast Bismillah pun xpe k.
Dear Nazura
U must happy in this raya
Even every raya too
U must happy for make them happy
U r their happiness
U don't cry
Mindset that everything happen got reason
Don't let U remind too much to ur late mum
Coz U must know that ur late mum want U happy always
Don't too worry about ur father
Coz Allah always beside U to take care him
So many things that can make U happy
My dear Nazura
Dear my Mr. Khairul Azam
- I will wish him personally coz banyak no nak say sorry -
Dear my family
A big huge n sorry for any my wrong doing
Dear my olls
~ My Officemate
~ My Friend
~ My Readers
Sorry for anything my written that make u olls feel unhappy
Panjang umur jumpe lagi ye
Minta ampun n maaf atas segala kesalahan
Again dear my olls
Nazura Sayang Sume