Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Family gathering

"Other things may change us, but we START and END with FAMILY."
- Anthony Brandt -

I miss my family. That why my entry today related to this feeling. The most important things in life are the relationships we have with others and the tender moments we share. So, even if or rather when your family drives you crazy, it's still worth the effort to get together.

Last time i have family gathering with my family. Sangat2 seronok. We have fun together. From this we can make it close.

Preparation for this gathering..

My aunt yang collect duit2 merangkap bendahari dan pengerusi sekali gus. ;-) We olls just survey tempat. Tapi yang booking bukan we olls, ofcoz my aunt la. Hehehe.

Surveyla sangat. Hehehe.

Adik pun survey sangat. Tengah tengok persekitaran ni.

Adik tengah tengok lane.



Prepare group. Sape punye tulisan macam cakar ayam ni. Hmmm. Adik I la tu..

Survey tempat karaoke. Ape lagi sambil menyelam minum airla.

Beli hadiah2. Tq Lina, coz always together during bad 'n' good time. Love u. 


Untuk budak2 taruk dalam ni, jahit sendiri dari kain baju t-shirt yang da xpakai. Save 'n' kreatif kan.

Ini we olls decided untuk budak2. Ok sume da settle. Soooooo, enjoy our gathering time. Sume ade, tapi.. Hubby i  xde coz kerja dan tak balik Malaysia lagi. Hmmm.

 Our theme color is .....?

Our theme color is blue.. ;-) Decided from my Aunt.

As usual smile like goat. ;-) Wear blue skirt with white shirt.

Adik tengah boring. Hehehehe. Adik pun biru.

Main bowling. I tengah pilih bola. Macam terer sangat je. ;-) Kumpulan I dapat nombor 3 daripada 3 kumpulan. Hehehe.

Then karaoke sampai 3 jam aunty i booking. Nyanyi sampai lebam. Pemenang mestila Uncle I, Cik Man tu, sangat sengit untuk nak pilih pemenang. Hehehe. Then last sekali ape lagi, mamamla. Mamam kat Restorant Kayu Nasi Kandar je. Sedap gak. Hadiah pun bagi kat sana. Yang bestnye, my aunt ni setiap hari akan keep in touch ngn we olls. 

Kumpulan bowling yang paling  terer. Tengokla no kat hadiah tu. No 3. Hehehe. Terer la sgt.

Sebenarnye x complete lg ni, hubby, ayah 'n' nanny xde. Tapi, tetap syukur dan happy sgt. Love u olls so much. Tq god. 

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