Saturday 30 November 2013

Dear my new reader.. My lovely daughter.. Wardah..


Hi Wardah.. 
Mummy now can write something for u..
U now become my reader too..

First thing Mummy n on behalf of ur Daddy want to say that nobody n nothing can replace U my dear.. We really2 love u.. 

When U was came in this world.. in our life.. in our world..
U make us so strong n more closer.. U like a glue to join us..

U melt our heart n make us laughed, when u :-

* Say Wardah love Mummy n Daddy, muahhh3.
* Say take care ye, balik awal n now Wana also follow this.
* Hold onto my hand really tight when U saw me look pain.
* Calm me when U saw me miss your Daddy.
* Asked n reminded us to buy your teeth from shop. And sometime U become hot and angry coz always say forgot to buy your teeth or we olls always said that only goat's or cat's teeth left. Hahaha.
* Asked where did we buy your face. Hahaha.
* Make a good show at your convo, make me proud of u.
* Always wrote a love letter and note for us.
* Draw our picture with your young sister together with your future young brother. How high your imagination dear. This is happen when we was at your convo and received your genius aulad bag gift that special from U. U really drive us crazy.
* When U take care your young sis.
* When u take something U want, U will never forget to take double coz U know very well how your sis are.

And so many things my dear Wardah to write about u..

For end this entry, Mummy Daddy just want to say..


I know as parents, we all hear things that just makes us smile from within. Since my daughter started talking and trying to put all sorts of words together, its amazing to hear some of the stuff she comes up with. It makes you think again, that children are so innocent and they just speak with honesty. A lot of times, she will say something and I will laugh and laugh because it's just so funny. She will look right into my eyes and say, "It's not funny! Stop laughing at me, Mummy!" Even that in itself, is amazing in my eyes. I'm sure we all have moments like that, as our children keep growing and hit different milestones or points in their lives.

Thanks God.

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